Colin Cowherd 2021 Quarterback Analogies

Big Ben: "Big Ben is the middle-aged former letterman at your local YMCA who keeps finding his way back to the basketball courts. He wants to prove to the young guns that he still belongs when in all reality he is 1. out of shape 2. out of his league and 3. probably belongs on the elliptical."

Carson Wentz: "Indianapolis is loaded. Top to bottom that roster is S T A C K E D. Carson Wentz is the OK steak to an otherwise great meal. They've got great appetizers, the wine is aged well and tasty, the dessert is delicious...but Carson Wentz is the main course. And if he is just OK, then what could have been a great meal turns into one you don't really remember. 

Aaron Rodgers: "A lot of families have one parent that really decides the mood of the entire family. For me it was my dad. If dad isn't happy, no one was going to be happy. This is Aaron Rodgers. Aaron Rodgers is the dad of the Packers. If Aaron Rodgers is sitting at the dinner table quietly, answering everything with one word answers, whoa brother watch out because the rest of the night could get interesting. But if he's happy, communicating well, smiling at the table, then hell maybe we'll even play monopoly later."

Baker Mayfield: "We all knew that one kid in high school that threw one heck of a party, right? It's like a movie, there's no parents, there's booze flowing, it's...perfect for one night. But then a couple weeks later he's still riding that high, tries to throw another one, and it just doesn't quite match up to the first. This is Baker Mayfield. He threw the party of the century for Cleveland last year. Playoffs, beating the Steelers, I mean does it get much better? This year Baker is going to try to throw another banger of a party, but this time I think it gets busted by the cops - something Baker is actually familiar with."

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